The five things you thought you knew about heart disease but were so wrong!
1. Your total cholesterol rarely predicts life and death. A total of 170 can be more harmful than 250. It is the quality and quantity of what each person has that counts. Sometimes your cholesterol numbers can appear relatively normal and yet significant activity can be going on in your body that causes a heart attack. Analysis of specialized blood tests by a Board Certified Cholesterol Specialist can best determine your future.
2. If you are waiting for an elephant to crush you chest, you can keep waiting. The symptoms of a heart attack or blocked arteries are different for men and women, older or younger people, and thin versus heavy. Electrocardiograms (EKGs) rarely are abnormal, even with severe blockages, unless there is damage done or you are in the middle of a heart attack. Only with the help of a properly trained individual can your symptoms be determined as simple " heart burn" or stress, versus a serious situation.
3. The amount of blockage it takes to cause a heart attack or stroke is not 80 - 90%, it is more like 20 - 30%. Big blockages cause symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath. Inside your arteries there are hard substances, like concrete. The little blockages are more like volcanoes: When they erupt, bad things can happen! Special blood tests and noninvasive imaging tests like Cat Scans of the heart can help detect it earlier.
4. Nuclear Stress Tests can miss up to 20-30% of blockages either due to the belly or breasts getting in the way or from too much movement on the table, especially if it is done laying on a hard flat machine. Change of Heart Cardiology has the newer seated Chair Nuclear Stress Camera which is more comfortable and diagnostic. Also, having more than one major artery or your main artery blocked can "fool" the camera and the doctor into thinking your blood flow is normal. Don't get fooled into getting tests you don't need without the proper advice!
5. Even using the best of medicines, life can be improved and death can be prevented only about 30-40% more. A truly integrated approach or "proven total care" is the only way you can reverse the changes of age, bad habits, and genetics. Call the Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and Excellent staff at Change of Heart Cardiology for a comprehensive appointment today!